Barbie has been famous fashion icon amongst children for decades,
especially girls who aspire to be like this classic fashion icon. Girls love
collecting dresses, sheeting and accessories with Barbie designs. Barbie is
still my favourite darling.
So I plan to relate with Barbie as my project and wait so long to
find a special occasion to work on my darling Barbie and lollipop flowers.
Finally I plan to give surprise on my friend’s engagement with the hand crafting
Barbie doll.
I am so excited to start my project, I spend one whole day to find
all my materials at multiple places. It’s really tiring day but I am inspired
to make the beautiful pretty.
I took few days to work with the Barbie and lollipop flowers. I am really
enjoyed throughout my project. Finally the Charming Barbie surround with
flowery dress are ready for the big day. She really make me feel good…
Anyone interested to get this little Barbie for your beloved or big days,
Please log me email to Thank you.
Please log me email to Thank you.
I am Ready.. Tada..
Anyone interested, Please log me email to
Thank you.