The colourful jam is perfect for spreading on a toast, recipe that will bring divine flavour to your taste buds.
1 Pineapple
1 Cup of water
2 cups
Juice of 2 limes
(I used 1 lime juice and 1 cup of sugar at 1st as I am prefer less sugar and sour)
Optional : (Ingredients B)
small Cinnamon Stick
Star Anise
Pandan Leaf, I use for more aromas
(Lemon and spices gives flavour and natural preservation)
Glass Jar to store Jam : Clean and sterile the jar with hot water. Make sure the jar is dry before store the jam.
Glass Jar to store Jam : Clean and sterile the jar with hot water. Make sure the jar is dry before store the jam.
1. Peel the pineapple and grate the flesh out of
it. You should end up with about 2 cups.
2. Put the pineapple, water and ingredients B into
a small saucepan and cook over medium flame until the pineapple is soft, about
30 minutes. Stir constantly till the pineapple pulp should become soft.
3. Now add the sugar and lime juice, stir to
combine (I used 1 lime juice and 1 cup of sugar at first as I am preferred less sugar and sour). Cook in medium heat because you don’t want the sugar to burn. It should
caramelize slowly with the pineapple, allowing the flavours to develop. You may taste the jam after a while than add the sugar and lime as you preferred. Let the
mixture cook for 30 minutes. The mixture is thickened and jam is ready to be
4. After remove the spices and pandan leaf, Spoon the jam into a jar with tight-fitting
lid. Store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 month
Currently I tried again this recipe which the jam is in less concentrated version. and the result is tah dahhhh....
Yummy ..........